Amy's Books

She's visited over 800 schools and encouraged hundreds of thousands of kids.  She has also been featured at various kid's, mom's and professional's groups from coast to coast.



The world needs you.  True story.

This book is more than just a children's book.   It's a book that validates and empowers all those who read it. It's a book that teaches the power of our everyday kindnesses. It's a book that everyone needs. Did you ever feel that you just didn't matter; that no matter how hard you searched for ways, you felt you were not and could not make a difference? I think that thought goes through so many minds these days, and I am here to tell you:

Stop searching. Start doing. Do something kind for someone each day. Leave a trail of kindnesses everywhere you go. Use your words to lift people up...and teach your kids, the world's kids, to do the same. This world won't change without you. You are a superhero, whether you believe it or not. YOU are someone's environment (thanks, Eileen). And YOU are necessary to make the world better. Join our C.A.P.E. Campaign starting with this book. Spread its message and help Create A Positive Environment by Creating Action with Positive Encouragement; by doing. Put your cape on every day and know that your mission is to do good in this world. The world is counting on you.

So am I.

QUICK BIO - About the Author

Amy holds a B.A. in Speech Pathology and a M.A. in Teaching.  She was a mentor and coach for women in the Direct Sales Industry for 10 years. Amy resides in Joliet, IL with her husband and two kids. She currently is visiting schools near you. ;)

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Amy's visited over 800 schools and events nationwide!
She's encouraged hundreds of thousands of kids!

Call now at 331-305-4334