My name is Amy S.[deleted] and my dear sweet husband Steve ordered your book for me. He had you personalize it and the message couldn't have been more spot on for me. You see, yesterday I had one of those days at work. I'm an event planner and I'm smack dab in the middle of planning a huge conference that will take place in a couple of weeks. Needless to say there are a lot of ducks to get in a row. I got home from work and was flat out exhausted. I had picked up the mail and left your package for my hubby to open as it was addressed to him. When he got home he told me that it was a gift for me. When I opened it, I immediately read what you wrote and broke into tears. Tears of relief, of joy of YES I feel appreciated. Steve told me to read the book out loud and I did. I read through sobs, flowing tears and some very choked up moments. Your book is so meaningful, well done, thoughtful and certainly had a hug impact on me. This morning I proudly wore my cape to work, secretly smiling about how everyone else just thought it was a pretty scarf. So amazing Amy. Thank you so very much. May God continue to bless you and I encourage you in your talents. We are opening up a comic book shop for the kiddos in our neighborhood. I sometimes feel little girls are left out of the magic and joy of super heroes. Would you be interested in selling us a small supply of your books for the little girls that will certainly come into the shop looking for something special? I wasn't sure if maybe you had a wholesale price or if you would even be interested. No pressure at all. If you are interested please email me back. We are on target to open the shop in September. We live in an interesting neighborhood in St. Charles, MO called New Town at St. Charles. We think the hometown feel of the neighborhood will lend itself to the success of our shop. Amy S. |